- Implementation of Google Vision OCR & Google GeoApi in ChronoScan OCR
- New ChronoScan launcher dialog
- New download & install samples on launcher
- Added a Demo license request dialog
- Export configurations to zip files
- Full text search on a whole batch
- eTags Engine with line items
- Ignore area triggers property for text density
- New DB lookup functionality
• New interface
• Allow activate/ deactivate them
• Allow execute on demand (VBScript funcion)
• New additional filter
• Allow to use "OR" operator to compare different lookup keys
- Pdf page extraction, new option for removing unused resources to reduce the extracted page size
- OAuth support for IMAP import
- Implemented OAUTH for SMTP output
- Allow exact match or regex for imported Itags
- Allow rotate image when adding merged OCR for pdf
- Added a field property to remove/replace/whitelist characters i.e. # from
invoice numbers
- Added a notification on alerts email to admins for when licenses remaining
percentage reaches out 90%
- Allow users to set xGrid base colour when using multiple grids
- New option for Nuance pdf output: PDFA versions
- Drag and drop office documents (working when a office to pdf converter is
-File system output module, new option to throw an error if no document
reaches the output
- Remove strings for intellitag results
- Stop hotfolder importing from "\imported" ( (or whatever is defined) when
importing from subfolders
- Option for when is not possible to delete files on disk don't remove batches
on database and add an entry in the activity log
- Barcode new image filter "Median Filter"
- Improved regular expressions and regexp/alias edit manager
- Added the possibility to save import errors in specific location
- Added the possibility of adding a password to email rules to open a PDF
- Added the possibility to restrict editor role for admin
- VBScript editor added to enterprise
- New option to move pages to specific positions within a document on the
indexer interface
- New batch status waiting_external_actions
- New notification for batches on status waiting_external_actions
- External Data viewer & External data viewer configurator added to enterprise
- New option for generating backups from enterprise interface
- Allow to set the quality for indexer images
- Added a rebuild OCR function to ENT
- Option to re-do the OCR for pages
- New date picker combos
- When linking a local job to an enterprise config, create (actual user)
permissions automatically for that job
- IMAP input: allow to set several mailboxes for a configuration
- Customizations
• Option to set number of lines for multiline fields
• Option to set form fields width
• Option to disable field name pop up
Option to disable tooltips (validation message) on hover field descriptions
- Implemented a customizable password policy management
- Reports
• New combo charts and pie charts reports for activity
• New report for database status (fragmentation and usage)
• Added auto export data for reports. Now enterprise reports can be automatically scheduled, generated and sent
New "External data viewer" panel on desktop: Possibility of querying to an external database thru VBScript
New full text search on baches
Added a "Nearest regex below" for Intelli-Tags
New function to re-read barcodes
Locked batches indicator on desktop "Batches Panel"
PDF bookmarks: allow a tree structure
New configuration for Document types
• 'Negative number formats'
• 'Date and decimal format'
Nuance Office Export: Allow to use the original input Office file when the input file was an office file
Triggers: New option for custom pages
Added a new option to only import text from PDF depending on the number of characters
ODBC export, new utility: Insert a file into a long binary field
New option for avoiding text layer when less than x characters
New option for avoiding importing big fonts on PDF like watermarks
New Intellitag option for filtering search itags using a sql select and document fields
Updated pdf render engine
Improved pdf text extraction and image extraction
Added variable to expose source file size
Check for dupes/existing on OCR regex combo
New smtp output module (Extended). Allows to send a .eml file
Option for hiding deleted batches on desktop
• New property for VersionComment
• Function to cache list retrieved from M-Files
Twain scan, allow to save batch for every x pages scanned
New Convert module PDF Merge allowing to merge the pdf output of another module
New output module, Batch Routing to copy documents to another job/batch
Added the possibility to debug ChronoScan VBScripts
• See: Debugging ChronoScan VBScripts
New Events:
• OnXGridRowSelected
• OnBatchLoad
New ChronoApp functions
• RefreshBatchesPanel
• Indexer_GetXGridSelectedRowColValue
• Indexer_HighlightZone
• Indexer_GotoPage
• Indexer_XGridGetSelectedRowColValue
New ChronoBatch functions:
• SetEntityID
New Applications
ChronoClass: New document classification application
ChronoLite: New end users indexing application (BETA)
• See: ChronoLite UI
IMAP/Hotfolders import: Added pdf password rules for sender address, allowing a full address email or a domain
Multithread export services for enterprise
xgrids now movable by drag and drop on indexer
image navigator added to indexer
Dashboard section for parked batches (Configurable)
Dashboard optimized, number of items to list per page configurable: "wci_dashboard_max_items: number"
Editing multiple IMAP configurations at once
Monthly Snapshots table for moving activity records instead of deleting old entries
Documents can be deleted now from the documents tab
Delete batch and Finish and next batch functionality from indexer
Added option for not allowing users to delete not exported batches
Administration configurable variables explanation (see: Enterprise Configuration variables)
Added the option to clear notifications older than X days like the activity log: "wci_max_system_notifications_days: number"
Allow/Not allow to filter export batches by batches with errors in dashboard: "wci_allow_filtering_by_exported_with_errors: boolean"
Possibility to add new column "Document notes" to Documents tab grid
Reprocess button added to the simple interface for indexing
Option to remove snapshots with more than x days
Add detailed error description per attachment on IMAP hotfolder import email response
New option to allow setting an error directory for enterprise hotfolders
Added the option to delete batch snapshots after X days
Added a session timeout by user inactivity to the enterprise version
New option for marking empty exported batches as errors. Configurable at job level
Added toolbar buttons to right click menu on indexer
Indexer cursor now highlights found words while selecting areas
New notifications
• Notifications for individual imap modules failing to connect
• Notifications for Batches waiting too long on the ready to export and created status
• Notifications for Batches that take a long time processing
New Reports
• Reports 2 / activity Hourly
• Predefined views
o Document types information
o User Activity/Hourly
o User Logins/Logouts
o User time indexing
o Validated documents per User/Hour
• Services performance report
• Imap connections report